Smarter Grid Solutions Blog

Smarter Grid Solutions delivers an enhanced level of operational control in its Strata Grid 3.3 product release.

Energy software specialist Smarter Grid Solutions (SGS) is launching Strata Grid 3.3, the latest major upgrade to its market-leading distributed energy resources management system (DERMS) product. This patented technology is a proven success in its field and is already used by utility companies in several countries, helping them manage more than 500 megawatts of clean energy generation.

Delivering enhanced network capacity for clean energy in “constraint managed zones” (CMZs) with smart grid technology, once thought of as innovation or “demonstration” projects, is pivotal to energy companies’ performance and financial bottom line. Strata Grid 3.3’s latest upgrades give users even greater control over their data and value from customised logic and real-time operational analytics. This makes Strata Grid a conduit for turning cutting-edge technology into a robust operational toolset and a commercial main-stay.

UI_Strata Grid Login

Previous release, Strata Grid 3.2, opened up a custom logic module to allow the creation of customer-specific, value-adding functionality using the ‘Groovy’ scripting language. That creates the opportunity for customers to deliver numerous use cases, operating models and business models that deliver new revenue streams and further cost savings.

The version 3.3 update now enables customers to build and use a full network model for grid analytics. This network model integration allows configuration of the real time control loop while delivering flexibility and reliability under a very broad spectrum of grid conditions.

Strata Grid 3.3 also builds on predecessor flexible integration options by implementing a 3-layer architecture which integrates the CMZ - the control for a constrained area of the grid - as a seamlessly operating middle-layer between the utility control centre and customer and field outstations. This new structure enables fast control response to rapid changes in generation and demand while centrally accessing Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Distribution Management System (DMS) and other information sources to detect or anticipate network topology and state changes.

SGS’ previous Strata Grid 3.2 release has already become an integral part of operations for systems operators such UK Power Networks, including its Optimise Prime EV smart charging project. SP Energy Networks (SPEN) employs Strata Grid for its South of Scotland CMZ areas and version 3.3 opens up deployment to its England and Wales customers. Further UK, US and Canadian customers are on the upgrade path to 3.3

Euan Davidson, CTO of Smarter Grid Solutions. Photographed by Chris Watts (1)

Euan Davidson, CTO at Smarter Grid Solutions, said:

“Advanced smart-grid functionality is now critical for distribution utility companies to reliably meet the demands of their customers as well as deliver their own incentivized business outcomes. All of our Strata Grid updates have integrated more flexibility into our patented DERMS software, and Strata Grid 3.3 takes that to a new level.

“With advanced grid analytics and a new network model-based schema for DER and grid management, users have access to operational analytics that provide even greater control capability and reliability on a scale that Distribution companies require. We’re thrilled that our clients like UK Power Networks and SP Energy Network have adopted Strata Grid as a core platform for their operations.”

SGS will be sharing these updates to Strata Grid 3.3, related innovations, and developments on sister product, Cirrus Flex, at the upcoming Energy Innovation Summit in Glasgow, UK, the T&D World Conference & Exhibition in Charlotte, NC and the Solar & Storage Live exhibition in Birmingham, UK, following hot on the heels of the recent RE+ event in California.

SGS team at RE+


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