Smarter Grid Solutions

Smart Grid Solutions specialises in Active Network Management (ANM). ANM uses real-time controls to enable distributed and renewable resources to connect to the grid. We deliver products and services that enable utilities and developers to integrate Distributed Energy Resources (DER). We provide world-leading Active Network Management (ANM) products, planning tools and a range of consultancy and engineering services. Our technology is unique and we are the only provider of ANM that combines real-time, autonomous and deterministic control. The products we offer are transforming the utilisation and resilience of the grid.

Mitsubishi Electric Power Products, Inc.'s Subsidiary, Smarter Grid Solutions Limited and Piclo to Integrate Piclo’s Marketplace Platform with SGS’s Strata Grid DERMS Solution

MEPPI is pleased to add Piclo’s Marketplace as part of a growing list of flexibility Marketplace platform providers integrated with SGS’s Strata Grid Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) solution. This collaboration aims to improve grid reliability, efficiency, and safety by enabling utilities to better manage supply-demand imbalances and grid congestion.  

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