Smarter Grid Solutions Blog

Smarter Grid Solutions technology to enable first behind-the-meter ANM scheme

SGS will enable a UK first when it connects the MeyGen and Wind Harvest behind-the-meter ANM scheme using its innovative ANM Element product, enabling two generators to share the same connection to the grid. The work will also see Wind Harvest’s project connect 3 years earlier than expected.

Under the agreement the four-turbine Lochend windfarm, based in Caithness in the Scottish Highlands, will be able to utilise MeyGen’s capacity while the tidal generators are not at full output.

This innovative project is the first-of-its-kind in the UK and shows the different methods new technology is giving both Distribution Network Operators and renewable energy developers to connect to constrained grids.

SGS’s technology will be deployed behind-the-meter and will monitor both the tidal array and the windfarm, controlling the windfarm to keep both generators under the safe firm limit of the MeyGen’s agreed connection.

The ANM Element technology solution is currently being deployed and is expected to be fully functional by May 2017.


Smarter Grid Solutions (SGS) is a leading vendor of DER integration interconnection and control solutions, developing and delivering software products and technology solutions that help electricity distribution utilities and DER operators to manage grid congestion, interconnection hosting capacity, and DER integration and management. The company specialises in Active Network Management, which uses software, automation and control technologies to monitor the electricity grid in real time and deliver DER management system (DERMS) capabilities and solutions. This allows power companies to operate electricity grids closer to their operating limits, without compromising safety and security.

SGS serves and supports customers worldwide with ANM based DERMS solutions, operating a portfolio of ANM systems that manage 250MW of interconnected DER. SGS is headquartered in Glasgow, UK with offices in London, UK and New York, US. Investors include Scottish Equity Partners, the Scottish Investment Bank and the University of Strathclyde. 

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