Smarter Grid Solutions Blog

Nexant and Smarter Grid Solutions Collaborate on Platform to Manage DERs in Distribution and Transmission Networks

Smarter Grid Solutions and Nexant are pleased to announce the next step in our collaboration on a comprehensive Distributed Energy Resource Management System (DERMS) to manage, coordinate, and optimize the growing complexity within distribution and transmission networks.

Nexant’s best-in-class network visibility, analytics, and optimization applications are used by North America’s leading utilities and ISO’s to solve complex problems involving physical grid operations and planning as well as energy financial market management. These solutions are proven via continuous service over many years: Grid360 has been deployed in over 130 control centers around the world. Nexant also delivers advanced and widely-used customer engagement and reliability/resiliency analytics.

Smarter Grid Solutions delivers localized management, optimization, and control of all types of distributed energy resources (DERs) with Active Network Management, providing forward and real-time control capabilities. Smarter Grid Solutions’ world-leading DERMS platform has been providing tangible benefits to utilities for the past decade. It is used by five of the six DSOs in the UK and is rapidly gaining traction in the US and Continental Europe.

The two systems are now combined via seamless API-based integration, enabling Nexant’s vast experience in topology estimation, state estimation, forecasting, security constrained optimal power flow, and fault analysis to be combined with SGS’s Active Network Management at the distribution control level.

The offering is unique in its combination of technologies, spanning the gap between the planning and management of both transmission and distribution level resources. Together, Nexant and SGS have solved the challenges created by the massive increase in the deployment of intermittent distributed energy resources, enabling significantly improved operational efficiency while increasing productivity and connecting utilities with their customers.

Smarter Grid Solutions and Nexant provide rapid delivery capability via our combined offices worldwide and our expansive network of integration partners. We are currently at work on exciting and challenging projects and opportunities in North America and Europe and other regions worldwide.

“Smarter Grid Solutions and Nexant’s combined expertise, products, and experience managing and optimizing grid edge resources is a powerful platform to directly address the growing complexity of our modern grid systems and provide a bridge between utility customers and system operators. With our strong foundation of Grid360 in over 130 control centers and ANM Strata’s accelerated adoption by utilities in the UK and globally, we look forward to continued collaboration on numerous leading-edge projects,” says John Gustafson, CEO of Nexant.

“The management and control of Distributed Energy Resources and realizing their value requires a coordinated approach across sophisticated planning engines and the complex operation and management of DER. By working with Nexant, we pull together the best of both worlds in Grid360 and ANM Strata. These leading products are augmented by the combined resources and expertise of both organizations to deliver solutions quickly and at scale to our customers around the globe,” says Bob Currie, Chief Technology Officer of Smarter Grid Solutions.

Contact us to join our mission to reimagine the world we live in and realize a more productive and sustainable energy future. For more information about Nexant's products and services, please contact John Dirkman, Vice President of Product Management, at, 509-209-1766. For more information about Smarter Grid Solutions products and services, please contact , +44 (0) 141 568 4345 or +44 (0) 776 647 7625.


Smarter Grid Solutions (SGS) is a leading provider of distributed resource management system (DERMS) software with over 300 MW of generation and load under real-time control. With offices in New York, Glasgow and London, SGS is a global solutions provider to distribution utilities, distribution network operators and distributed energy resource providers.

Nexant is a premier provider of technology enabled solutions to the Utility and Energy Industry focused on the next generation intelligent grid, distributed energy resources, and the digital customer experience. Operating from 20 offices in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Asia, the company's team of industry professionals has completed more than 5,000 engagements in over 70 countries. Nexant’s clients include over 200 utility and software services customers. We work with over 300 chemical and petroleum majors, financial institutions, and Fortune 500 companies.

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